Conductivity Study on the New Polymer Solid Electrolytes 新型聚合物固体电解质的导电性研究
The progress of solid polymer electrolytes ( SPE) is reviewed, the hot topic of research, the methods of improving its properities and some prospects on research SPE are suggested. 介绍了固体高聚物电解质(SolidPolymerElectrolytes,简称SPE)的研究进展,主要涉及固体高聚物电解质的发展状况、研究热点、性能改善的几种方法等。同时,对SPE未来的研究进行了展望。
The effects of interface structures on the ion conductivity and mechanical property in multiphase composite polymer electrolyte, which is synthesized by blending solid polymer electrolytes with polymer, plasticizer and inorganic powder were discussed. 主要讨论了聚合物固体电解质与聚合物、增塑剂和无机物等复合形成的多相聚合物复合电解质中,界面结构对离子电导率和机械性能的影响。
Research progresses on organic electrolytes, polymer electrolytes, inorganic solid electrolytes were reviewed with 24 references. 详细介绍了有机电解质、各类聚合物电解质和无机固体电解质的研究进展;
Polymer electrolyte is one of the most important compositions of solid state lithium ion batteries and the conductivity of polymer electrolytes has prodigious effect on the properties of the lithium ionic batteries. 聚合物电解质是全固态锂离子电池的重要组成部分,其电导率对电池的性能有很重要的影响。
Ionic conductivity of PEG-NaI-EPOXY resin polymer solid electrolytes PEG-NaI-环氧树脂聚合物固体电解质的离子导电性